Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fall and Writing

Today was beautiful with dark skies and intermittent rain.  Wind sent the wind chimes hanging from my eaves into a musical dance.  My therapy today was sweeping the yellowed maple leaves from my deck and carport.  As soon as I had the driveway cleared, a gust of wind came along and sprinkled more leaves on the concrete.  Such is life with so many things out of my control.

I have been working with diligence on my query letter for my novel The Man and the Mandolin, but I have been having great trouble getting it down to the bread on top, the bread on the bottom, and then all the story-meat in the middle.  I have posted numerous versions of my query letter at the Absolute Write forums.  Their feedback has been helpful and informative. 

Right now, I am fine-tooth reviewing my manuscript to make sure it is as error free as I can get it. One fellow member of Absolute Write suggested I write out lists of (1) ten places where the reader might not be able to put my book down, (2) ten places where my protagonist’s mind is messed with (because I have deemed my novel’s genre as psychological thriller), (3) ten problems my protagonist has to overcome, (4) ten problems and why they are obstacles, and (5) what the protagonist must do to solve the problems.  Once I have these lists, I choose the strongest ones and build my query.  I will also have all the main points in which to construct my synopsis.

I have also been working on my other work in progress, which is a paranormal mystery.   I have written about 20,000 words, which means it is about one-quarter completed.  My goal is to write this as an 80,000 word novel.  

My fiftieth birthday was yesterday, which I celebrated with the man I love.  It’s amazing that I have reached a half-century of life.  I as if I have acquired some kind of wisdom from being on this earth so long, yet I feel as young as I have always felt.  I am not willing to put up with stuff that I tolerate when I was younger. Maybe these are all lessons about growing up.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  This will be one of the first Thanksgivings I have not spent with my aunts and uncle and at least once grandparent since the passing of my grandfather in April.  I miss him every single day.  I also understand the need of my family to do something different on Thanksgiving.  Change is inevitable. 

My goals for this fall are to write as much as I can and to get that query letter out the door to more agents.  I want to complete my synopsis.  I want to be completely prepared in case for when agents request my synopsis and full manuscript. 

In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I will try and not go so long between blog entries.  


Andrew Finnie said...

It's grande that you are hard at it. And also the writer's forum is a wonderful place to stumble on. As I get older I get deafer so I put up with more things that I would have before. Because I can't hear them :)

Susan Littlefield said...


Absolute Write is a wonderful forum. Thank you for posting here.

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